Sunday, November 10, 2013

class 20

       Today in class we discussed viruses, vaccines, jumping genes, "junk" DNA, RNA and other things that was read in chapter 6 of Survival of the Sickest.
We then started on the PGLO lab!

We tested the bacteria and hoped to find the prokaryote bacteria glowing after submerging it in PGLO. We knew that because of the cell membrane it would be difficult for the PGLO to enter the cell, but if we used heat shock, (cold-hot-cold) there would be a hole that would let the PGLO in. Before we could do the heat shock, we would have to label the different bacteria, transfer the bacteria to the tubes, and mix plasmid DNA in the PGLO+. We had to be careful that we did not transfer too much bacteria or mix any bacteria so that it would be sterile. Then we do the heat shock and incubate the tubes with LB nutrient broth acting as food so the bacteria can grow.
We then streak the solution onto the agar plates. Our class hypothesis was:

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